Wednesday, January 6, 2010

strong love can bind!

When i talk of a sister no other name will come first in my head my best sister in the world of course.
She knows the best and worst about me.
If i would look for advice she could be my great adviser and defender.Too much selfish world may bring to our lives.,but a sister heart can survive.
The secret of a great bind is in your heart!
Together we reach our dream so high,in each other way hope in the end we meet in the road of success.Our effort is not just for us when you do good, it comes back to you triple times,..look not for today!Think of an ideal home living with peace an love.Set your mind who i wanna be?!free your mind from negative that could make a way for us to fail.
Thoughts can make sense all the time.It creates unique and productive idea in daily basis of our living.When i look around theres a bunch of people talking things which can drag me down most of the time.So i close my ears to those people is not concern of my lives but just give a comment to get my attention, often times can hurt me.I learn to live my life the way i want it to be.Happiness is when you knew someone that will fight for you.A sister that you can count on.The one that give a shoulder to cry on and wipe your tears.,understand you even others don't.I'm glad having a nice ideal bind in a sister in you! desavillecoyoca